
Acupuncture in its simplest form is the insertion of needles into specific points on distinct channels or meridians. These points connect nerves, muscles and organs that influence the body’s blood flow. It can be thought of as conduits throughout the body’s flow of energy. Acupuncturists insert sterile, single-use, disposable needles in these specific points that can help with a variety of dise... Read More

Acupuncture in its simplest form is the insertion of needles into specific points on distinct channels or meridians. These points connect nerves, muscles and organs that influence the body’s blood flow. It can be thought of as conduits throughout the body’s flow of energy. Acupuncturists insert sterile, single-use, disposable needles in these specific points that can help with a variety of diseases. The goal of an acupuncture treatment is to balance the body so that it can heal itself. The acupuncture treatment plan may include moxibustion, external herbal therapies, tui na, cupping, gua sha and qigong therapeutic exercises in your holistic treatment plan. These are all part of Chinese Medicine that can help with your healing process.

Chinese Herbal Consultation

Chinese herbal medicine is an essential modality in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is arguably older than the practice of acupuncture, but can be used in conjunction with acupuncture to have a stronger therapeutic effect for the body. Each herbal formula may be customized specifically for you and your needs. Araya Holistic Pain Management strives to not just treating the sy... Read More

Chinese herbal medicine is an essential modality in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is arguably older than the practice of acupuncture, but can be used in conjunction with acupuncture to have a stronger therapeutic effect for the body.

Each herbal formula may be customized specifically for you and your needs. Araya Holistic Pain Management strives to not just treating the symptoms but being able to treat the root of the problems. Each time you take your herbal formula, it is a way of treating yourself every day. Herbal formulas may be administered in raw form to decoct, powdered concentrates, liquid concentrates, as well as pills and capsules. Herbs and supplements can be sent through drop shipment.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Infuses the body with excess oxygen that interacts with the body's cells. The patient breathes in air or varying amounts of oxygen inside a pressurized chamber that is above 1 atmosphere.

Dr. Khanita Suvarnasuddhi is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Doctor of Chiropractic in the State of Maryland. She is the founder of Araya Holistic Pain Management, an integrative wellness center within the community of Clarksburg, MD since 2017. She is a certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine through NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). Dr. Khanita is currently studying with Sharon Weizenbaum in the Graduate Mentorship Program at White Pine Institute to further her knowledge in Chinese medicine. She regularly attends continuing education seminars on Gong Fu Sports Medicine with Tom Bisio.

Approaching healing from an integrated perspective, Dr. Khanita blends her background of movement therapy, martial arts, chiropractic and Chinese Medicine to create a supportive environment for holistic transformation to take place.

Raised in Germantown, Maryland, Dr. Khanita is happy to spread her love of Chiropractic and Chinese medicine in the community she grew up with. She believes that the combination of Chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help with today’s modern stresses to restore balance in the body to reduce all kinds of pain and relieve stress.

Dr. Khanita is an avid martial artist (traditional boxing, and kung fu) and tennis player. She enjoys challenging herself in different movement patterns that includes rock climbing, synergy movement classes or yoga. Other than that, she lives with her husband and their wonderful animals, Teddy, Naga, Ninja and Ginger.

Dr. Khanita Suvarnasuddhi is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Doctor of Chiropractic in the State of ... Read More

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